ESIA Ethics Code
The European Sign Industries Association, hereinafter referred to as ESIA, recognizes the importance of establishing an Ethical Code and Conduct for its members, representative bodies, and employees in order to ensure the proper qualification of the companies that are part of the Association.
ESIA, fully embracing the principles and values outlined in its Statute, aims to represent the sector with a sense of responsibility and moral integrity. The Association is committed to operating based on autonomy, independence, and impartiality, while fostering relationships with institutions, administrations, economic, political, trade union, and social organizations.
The signing of the Ethical Code is mandatory for membership in ESIA.
The Code consists of the following three components::
Founding Values Charter;
Code of Conduct;
Final Provisions.
The Founding Values Charter identifies the core principles that define the ethical standards of the system. It establishes the behavioural guidelines for all its components, in alignment with ESIA’s associative vision.
1. Representation.
ESIA represents and promotes, in a unified, structured and strategic manner, the interests of member companies, fostering: mutual respect, equal dignity, enhancement of differences and their synthesis. ESIA serves as the essential reference point, both nationally and internationally, for policies aimed to the development and protection of member companies interests.
2. Legality and Associative Rules.
The principle of legality and the respect for rules form the foundation of the entire associative system. ESIA ensures and promotes compliance with laws, norms, and regulations within it own structure and in all the communities where it operates, as a basis for the social contract. It also guarantees the protection and safeguarding of its functionality, reputation, image, and dignity..
3. Ethics and Transparency.
ESIA shapes its actions, both in internal associative relations and in external relations, according to ethical behaviour and transparency. These actions are grounded in integrity, fairness, loyalty, equity, impartiality, independence, and autonomy in judgment. There is a commitment to clarity in the positions taken, the decision-making processes, and the implementation mechanisms, as well as a commitment to avoiding conflicts of interest.
4. Companies.
ESIA acts and carries out its activities in the primary interest of its member companies. In addition, in its support of these companies, ESIA ensures equal dignity, active listening, dialogue, transparency, involvement, appreciation, recognition, respect, and a balanced representation of their interests.
5. Support and Promotion of Products.
Through its associative activities, ESIA is committed to supporting, promoting, and publicizing the importance of “Made in Italy” products as a hallmark of creativity and as a worldwide quality symbol. Additionally, ESIA advocates for European products that adhere to European Union standards.
6. Relations with Other Associations (National and International).
All members are required to actively participate in the associative life and work exclusively in the interest of the organization to which they belong, respecting its directives. They must avoid behaviours that could harm the unity of the organization, safeguarding its profile, functionality, and dignity. In cases of incompatibility or actions detrimental to the system in its various forms, members are committed to resigning from their mandate or self-suspending from the association
7. Human Resources.
ESIA ensures that its employees and collaborators enjoy fair, safe working conditions that respect dignity, equal opportunities, and are free from any form of discrimination or exploitation. It also expects that its members demonstrate behaviour in line with these principles and values.
The hiring of personnel and/or the appointment of collaborators is carried out through regular contracts as required by law.
8. Institutions and Entities (National and International).
ESIA interacts with institutions and entities in a manner that respects their respective responsibilities, roles, and prerogatives. ESIA aims to be a representative, authoritative, constructive, reliable, independent, and autonomous interlocutor, able to collaborate with institutions and entities at the local, national, and international levels. ESIA works towards the definition of innovative economic, environmental, and development policies in the best interest
of member companies.
9. Environment.
ESIA’s primary objective is the respect and protection of the environment. It offers essential services to support balanced, eco-sustainable development for its member companies in Europe. Green economy is a key factor for success and competitiveness in international markets. Companies, through careful and innovative management or a green business transformation, can not only reduce their environmental impacts but also have a regenerative
effect on the environment through careful energy savings assessments.
ESIA promotes advanced management practices to encourage prevention, recycling, resource recovery, and a conscious safeguarding and enhancement of ecosystems aimed at protecting the environment.
Recognizing the value of environmental protection, ESIA works actively, through its members and representative bodies, to ensure that production processes adhere to principles of ecosustainability and energy efficiency in the manufacturing of products or goods placed on the EU or non-EU markets.
10. Accounting and Management Reporting.
The Association’s accounting management must be based on principles of transparency and completeness of data and all records. All supporting documentation, whether in paper or digital form, will be retained for the period prescribed by applicable law.
11. Applications for Public Contributions from the State, European Union, and Other
Public contributions requests to the Italian State, the European Union, or any other public entity, the Association is required to act in compliance with the law, the provisions of this Ethical Code, and internal procedures.
All requests for grants, contributions, financing, or relief from national or EU public bodies must be used exclusively for the purposes for which they were allocated.
12. Confidentiality.
By signing this Ethical Code, the legal representative of the company ensures, in compliance with the applicable laws, the confidentiality of all information held by the company, even after potential resignation or exclusion from the Association, in accordance with the laws in force regarding privacy and data security.
Recipients are prohibited from using confidential information for purposes unrelated to the performance of their professional duties. In particular, the information, data, and knowledge acquired and managed by recipients in the
course of their activities must remain strictly confidential and adequately protected. They may not be used, communicated, or disclosed, either internally or externally to the Association, except in compliance with applicable laws and internal procedures.
The Ethical Code serves as the guiding reference for the Association’s life.
By signing the Ethical Code and the Associative Values, ESIA members commit to respecting and promoting the values, principles, and commitments toward the various public and private
The Ethical Code and Associative Values establishes obligations and requirements that are applicable to the leaders and employees of the Association, including:
-Regular ESIA Members
– Regular ESIA Members holding associative positions
– ESIA Supplier Members
– ESIA Members representing the Association in external bodies
– Employees
Ordinary ESIA Members
ESIA members are expected to act in accordance with the highest ethical standards, fully aligned with the values, principles, and commitments stated in the Ethical Code and Associative Values.
Therefore, in relation to their business activities, they commit to ensuring:
a. In all the communities where they operate, adherence to laws, norms, and regulations as the foundation of civil coexistence.
b. Their contribution to the economic, social, civil, and cultural development of the country, through innovative processes aimed at the widespread creation of value, the promotion of the common good, and the establishment of excellence models.
c. Providing their employees and collaborators with fair, safe working conditions that respect dignity, equal opportunities, and are free from any form of discrimination or exploitation, fostering their human and professional development.
d. In all contexts, behaviour based on ethics and transparency, grounded in responsibility, integrity, fairness, loyalty, equity, and free-market principles.
e. In dealings with entities, institutions, political parties, media, and other public or private organizations, acting with fairness, independence, integrity, and respect for the respective and specific areas of responsibility, roles, and prerogatives.
f. In environmental management, adopting advanced managerial practices focused on prevention, recycling, resource recovery, and the conscious protection and enhancement of ecosystems.
g. Respecting behavioural norms in the workplace to safeguard the health, safety, and physical and moral integrity of individuals, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. ESIA promotes these behaviours, ensuring compliance with all obligations set out in Legislative Decree 81/2008 (Consolidated Law on Safety) and other relevant laws.
h. Complying with regulations regarding the proper disposal of waste produced by the company.
Within the associative life, business owners commit to ensuring:
1. Strong and active participation, contributing to the proper and orderly conduct of the Association’s life and activities, in full integrity and autonomy.
2. To operate exclusively in the interest of ESIA, respecting its directives, avoiding behaviours that could harm its unity, and safeguarding its profile, functionality, and dignity. This implies contributing to the associative debate and ensuring an effective resolution of issues within the associative system.
3. To provide full and timely communication of any condition that might alter the relationships with other business owners and/or with ESIA, seeking the necessary and adequate support from the Association.
ESIA Members Holding Associative Positions
In addition to the obligations outlined above, members who hold associative positions commit to:
a. Acting exclusively with a spirit of service, without using their position for personal gain, either directly or indirectly. They must demonstrate responsible and balanced behaviour, avoiding conflicts of interest and refraining from taking political or external association roles that could jeopardize their independence, integrity, fairness, and
autonomy in judgment, which would harm ESIA. Furthermore, they commit to full transparency and fairness to communicate in advance any affiliations with other organizations.
b. Maintaining behaviour based on autonomy, integrity, loyalty, and responsibility towards the Association, its members, and institutions, and avoiding political appointments or roles in external associations that could generate conflicts of interest.
c. Using information obtained through their associative roles strictly and confidentially, limited to the prerogatives of their position.
d. Treating all members with respect, recognition, and equal dignity, regardless of size or sector, aiming to value individual characteristics and differences.
e. Maintaining an autonomous and independent behaviour in their dealings with institutions and political bodies, both national and international, and providing relevant information when appropriate to ensure the proper functioning of legislative and administrative activities.
f. Resigning or self-suspending from their mandate in cases of incompatibility or actions detrimental to the Association in its various structures, or to its reputation.
ESIA Supplier Members
Supplier members are committed to respecting the same obligations as Regular Members.
ESIA Members Representing the Association in External Bodies
These members are selected based on competence, independence, and full alignment with the values, principles, and commitments outlined in the Ethical Code and Associative Values, following a decision by the competent bodies in accordance with the ESIA Statute and Regulations.
In addition to the above commitments, ESIA members representing the Association in external
bodies commit to:
a.Carrying out their mandate in the best interest of the organization to which they are appointed and the ESIA members**, in alignment with the directives provided by the Association they represent.
b. Constantly informing ESIA about the progress and activities related to their mandate.
c. To assume roles with a spirit of service, ensuring that the position acquired is not used in any way to gain personal, direct, or indirect advantages.
d. To resign from the mandate whenever there are causes of incompatibility or an inability to ensure continuous participation, or upon request from ESIA.
e. To promptly communicate and agree with ESIA on any additional role or responsibility assigned by the entity to which they were appointed.
ESIA employees, regardless of their position, the nature of their employment relationship, or their contractual status, commit to:
a. Acting in full respect of the values and foundational principles of ESIA, as outlined in the Ethical Code and Associative Values.
b. Maintaining behaviour towards institutions, public administration, political forces, and any other national and international organizations that is inspired by autonomy, fairness, and transparency, in pursuit of protecting the image of the Association. Employees must refrain from engaging in any activity that could result in a potential conflict of interest with ESIA or be aimed at obtaining personal advantages.
c. Conducting relations with economic partners, suppliers, collaborators, and other employees with the utmost transparency, meritocracy, and in full compliance with current laws and regulations.
d. Providing appropriate information to their supervisors and to the Association’s governing bodies regarding any situation that may be in conflict, even potentially, with the statutory provisions and the Ethical Code and Associative Values.
e. Maintaining confidentiality regarding the disclosure of confidential data or topics subject to non-disclosure as instructed by the President or the National Council.
Compliance with the rules of the Ethical Code is considered an essential part of the relationship between members and recipients.
Violation of the duties and obligations set forth in this Ethical Code will result in the application of the sanctioning procedure provided for in the ESIA Statute and Regulations.
Dissemination of the Code of Ethics
The Ethical Code is widely disseminated internally and is available to any ESIA stakeholders. To this end, the Code is published on the Association’s website.
Updates to the Code
The Ethical Code may be amended or updated by the National Council.